Join Ronald Shiffman, Pratt Professor Emeritus and founder of the Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED), and emerging activist designers in conversation on urban equity work in New York, 1963 to today. Responding to the Now What?! exhibition, speakers will present their design activism projects, addressing what it takes to move from planning to implementation.
Prof. Shiffman will tell the story of the formation of PICCED and how the group’s strategies have supported local communities for over 50 years. Francisca Benítez will speak about anti-displacement struggles in Chinatown and the Lower East Side and about why the city should adopt the Chinatown Working Group plan; Ifeoma Ebo will share her design and community engagement work with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice; and Maria de la Torre will show the latest project of Hester Street. We will discuss the work of women and non-binary leaders not only in design but also in the communities with whom we collaborate.
Ronald Shiffman, Professor Emeritus, Pratt Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment
Francisca Benitez, Artist and urban activist
Ifeoma Ebo, Senior Design Advisor, Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice
Hester Street
Moderator: Karen Kubey, Urbanist specializing in housing and health; Visiting Associate Professor, Pratt Institute